The railway undertaking of the Grupo Mexico provides 55% of rail freight transport on its own, with excellent financial results. The percentage of goods carried by rail is on the rise
Ferromex is the railway undertaking that has been awarded the concession for the largest part of the Mexican railway network. It manages more than 8,100 km of track and is also the company with the largest number of locomotives (as many as 597) and freight cars (over 14,000) in service. It links up some of the main cities in the north of the country, four ports on the Pacific and two on theAtlantic. It also reaches as many as five cities bordering with theUnited States. On its own, it transports 55% of rail freight inMexico. Ferromex provides general railroad freight and intermodal services, but it also manages – a unique case in Mexico – two passenger services. Moreover, it also provides handling services in goods and intermodal terminals and is specialised in automotive logistics, serving numerous car factories throughout the country. It is controlled by the Grupo Mexico (which operates in the mineral and logistics sectors) and its minority shareholder (26%) is the famousUSrailway undertaking, Union Pacific. The financial results are more than gratifying and last November the Fitch rating agency confirmed the AAA rating of the issuing of its share certificates.
We met the Chief Operating Officer of Ferromex, Lorenzo Reyes, who explained to us how the company has achieved these goals, and outlined its future developments.
Railway Engineering: Ferromex is the most important railway undertaking in Mexico. Can you give us a general overview of the company and its history? …
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