
Alstom to supply 50 KZ8A freight locomotives to Azerbaijan

May 29, 2014

Alstom has been awarded a contract to supply 50 KZ8A freight locomotives to Azerbaijan Railways (ADDY) which will be assembled in Alstom’s JV EKZ between 2016 and 2018. The total amount of the contract is €300 million. Alstom’s share amounts to around €150 million. The contract was signed in the Azerbaijani capital of Baku in the presence of the French President Francois Hollande and the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. The contract may also include the construction of a depot, technical assistance and maintenance, as well as training for ADDY staff. These are subject to negotiation within the next six months.

KZ8A locomotives rank among the most powerful locomotives in the world (8,800 kW) with asynchronous traction, able to run at 120 km/h and to haul up to 9,000 tons. The KZ8A electric locomotives for this contract will be assembled in Alstom’s JV manufacturing site in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Azerbaijan is a strategic transit point between Europe and Central Asia. The modern KZ8A freight locomotives will help increasing its carrying capacity in transportation of raw materials and goods,” saidThibault Desteract, SVP Alstom Transport Russia and CIS.

The total length of Azerbaijan’s rail network is 2,932 km, of which 1,278 km is electrified (3 kV). In 2006 Azerbaijan railways launched a long-term program for the renovation and modernization of its railways, including its traction fleet, reconstruction of infrastructure, and a gradual switch from DC to AC. According to the latest forecasts, the volume of the railway traffic in the country should almost double by 2017 from current figures.

Alstom also signed on 12 May a Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation with Baku Metropoliten with a view to develop modern metro cars for both the new lines and the gradual replacement of the existing fleet of Baku metro. Both parties have agreed to sign a final agreement in the coming two months.


Press Release of Alstom, 13 May 2014