
First High Speed Line in Morocco: Ansaldo STS (Finmeccanica group) and Cofely Ineo (GDF SUEZ group) selected for the signalling of the Tangiers-Kenitra line

May 24, 2013

The contract has been signed in presence of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and Mr François Hollande, President of France.The Office National des Chemins de Fer (ONCF) has awarded to the consortium consisting of Ansaldo STS France and Cofely Ineo, the design and supply of the railway signalling, telecommunications and control traffic center of the future 183 km High Speed Line connecting the cities of Tangiers and Kenitra (along Atlantic coast). The total amount of the contract is Euro 120 Million.

Within the frame of the contract, Ansaldo STS, the leader of the consortium and reference company for the railway signalling and automations, based on its excellence in the French High Speed domain, will cover all of the phases of the signalling implementation from design to integration and commissioning.

Ansaldo STS will provide the telecommunication equipment, next generation interlocking, track circuits, ERTMS Level 1 & 21 based automatic train control and automatic train protection, as well as the control traffic centre located in Rabat. These technologies have either already been deployed or are currently under deployment in France.

Cofely Ineo, the major integrator of railway signalling solutions, will deploy the wayside equipment and will provide the power supply and the relating cable networks. Its engineering office will provide all of the execution plans required for the installation of complex and critical systems.

The complete system will allow safe and reliable commercial operations on the new line, up to 320 km/h.

With particular attentiveness to the social and economical development of Morocco, both Cofely Ineo and Ansaldo STS, within their respective domains, will strive to establish local partnership in order to organize and manage the transfer of knowledge to support the development of the skills and professionalism within the high speed rail sector.

Press release of Ansaldo Breda, 4 April 2013