
Rail renewal on track

March 29, 2013

The revitalisation of Tasmania’s Rail Network continues to advance with the opening of the first of four major North West Rail Bridges to be officially opened today by the Premier of Tasmania, the Hon. Lara Giddings, MP and the Federal Member for Braddon, the Hon. Sid Sidebottom, MP.

The newly refurbished Don River Rail Bridge forms part of the Western Line, a strategic part of the State’s Rail Network connecting the Port of Burnie with the South Line and the Bell Bay Line. Built in 1886, the Don River Rail Bridge has been subject to the deteriorating effects of a windy, saline environment and an historically poor maintenance regime. Urgent repairs and upgrade works were required to ensure the safety, integrity and long-term future operation of this critical rail link.

Tasmanian Contracting Company VEC Civil Engineering Pty Ltd carried out the rehabilitation project over a four day rail closure period, commencing on 26 December, 2012.

TasRail Chief Executive Officer Damien White said the successful completion of the $3 million upgrade was noteworthy for a range of reasons including innovative engineering and work practices and the co-operation of customers, local government and the community.

“In just 84 hours, VEC’s construction crews completed some 103 individual tasks over seven continuous shifts”, Mr White said. “Works included the removal of the original wrought iron girders of riveted construction and timber ballasted deck; installation of new steel girders and concrete deck panels on the existing mass concrete piers and abutments”.

Mr White revealed that planning to support the works was months in the making and required contingencies to cover risk factors such as weather delays; prevention of worker fatigue and ensuring community safety related to recreational activities in and around the river.

The upgrade of the four North West Rail Bridges is a $24 million project funded by the Australian Government’s Nation Building Program. New rail bridges being built on the Leven and Forth Rivers are progressing to schedule. The recently completed new Blythe River Rail Bridge is fully operational. VEC Civil Engineering Pty Ltd successfully tendered for all four contracts.

Press release by Tasrail, 27 February 2013