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WEGH Group doubles its contribution to the construction of Nacala Corridor, in Mozambique: awarded the contract for turnout bearers

March 31, 2014

After the important results achieved in Mozambique with the supply of 1.200.000 concrete sleepers for the Nacala railway Corridor, WEGH Group signs a contract for the supply of all the turnout bearers needed for the completion and renewal of the line.

It is a railway line of 912km , that will link the coalfield of Moatize to the Nacala Port, on the North of Mozambique. The line is estimated to be operative within the end of 2014, in order to transport, in 2015, over 11 million tons of coal/year, a volume that will gradually increase to 18 million tons/year on 2017.

The existing Namialo factory, in charge for sleeper’s production, will accommodate the new dedicated production unit, with a modern Long-Line plant.

Press Release of WEGH Group, 27 January 2014